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Covid 19 and Positive Change

Covid 19 and Positive Change

We’ve never experienced a year quite like this past one and if 2020 has taught us anything it’s that life doesn’t always go according to plan. The unprecedented levels of change we have been experiencing on a global scale have been an emotional rollercoaster and have affected everyone on a personal level.

Lockdowns in particular have had the effect of making many of us review and reassess our priorities. Against the backdrop of anxiety experienced due to the pandemic we have had to slow down at home, which has given us more time to reflect on the life we are living. Many are realising that they do not want to go back to the “old normal”.

While change is always unsettling, there are opportunities that may be worth exploring:

  • What are your current values and how do they align with the life you are living now?
  • What would you like more or less of in your life?
  • What makes you happy and what should you let go of?
  • Whose company lifts you up? who stresses you out?
  • Which activities bring you pleasure? which are energy drains?
  • How might you achieve a better work life balance?
  • What have you been ignoring over the last few years and need to focus on now?

Many of us wait to be in crisis before seeking counselling; however, life transitions are a legitimate and  worthy reason to seek support. At Collaborative Counselling  I provide a safe space in which you are gently encouraged to explore new directions and to challenge previously held perceptions with support and feedback to help you move towards a more positive and authentic future.

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